Monday 6 July 2009

Bicycle Music on YouTube

See and hear the performance of Bicycle Music at Corsham Festival 2009 on Youtube:

Thursday 25 June 2009

Bicycle Music flashmob takes to the streets

What an amazing sight! 50-60 cyclists simltaneously converging into the centre of Corsham to perform 'Bicycle Music' to hundreds of amazed onlookers.
It was a really good example of how effective a 'critical mass' can be in getting a point across and having a bit of fun at the same time. Read more at 'Corsham Festival opens in a Flash':

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Bicycle Music

Take part in ‘Bicycle Music’ this Saturday 20 June in the centre of Corsham

Join us for a special Corsham Festival Fringe event this Saturday at 10.45am. The aim is to create a ‘flashmob’ style happening in the High Street at precisely 10.45am. The meeting place is where Martingate joins the pedestrianised High Street.

We want to perform Bicycle Music to highlight the importance of cycling in and around Corsham and to give a real boost to the plans for a cycle network in and around the town.

Bicycle Music is a composition by composer Trever Wishart in which anyone can take part. The instructions are very simple and must be followed exactly:

Emerging from the town in all directions dismount at the meeting place at precisely 10.45am

  • Invert your bicycles to form a neat group

  • Sit down behind the back wheel & holding it firmly to your body

  • Play delicate harp music on the spokes, with the style and manner of a harpist

  • Discover all the sounds your bicycle will make – Use them!

  • After about 5 minutes remount your bicycles and dissolve into the town in different directions

The PRESS will be there and LOTS of people so it should create a real impact in the Town centre amid all the other happenings on Saturday morning – Live Street Theatre, a dancing string quartet, stalls by Transition Community Corsham and a Farmers Market all starting from 10am.

Please walk your bikes along the actual pedestrianised section as we are not supposed to cycle on this bit!

Please text or email anyone you know who might like to take part - BUT the key thing with ‘Flashmobs’ is the element of surprise. So don’t tell anyone about Bicycle Music unless they are going to be part of it!